You ever hear of a JW say their past JW life was a waste because of all of that old useless false light? I've never heard one say anything but how they were blessed for so many years of healthful teaching. Old light healthful? Hmmm...
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
This is how messed up it was...
by themonster123 ini've just been thinking about jwd and how messed it up it is how the witnesses twisted things in my mind so i totally got mind-warped....what am i talking about, you ask?
well, whenever someone has a quote on here from watchtower literature from years past (like from the 1970s or 1960s etc) proving that witnesses have taught/do teach this or that in the past, i automatically discredit that quote necause how i was taught as a witness was that whole new light thing-meaning...... "oh, well, things have changed-our teachings have changed, we no longer believe or teach this, this, and that anymore,"- i'm so brainwashed that when i read old quotes on here where people prove to say that witnesses taught this or that, it's like i kind of go "oh well that quote doesnt' matter," but in reality.......... jws should take responsibility for everything they've taught!!!
and not just keep saying, "well, that was then-this is now.. ...i mean, from an outsider's view point, they would say "oh, so witnesses teach this?
This is how messed up it was...
by themonster123 ini've just been thinking about jwd and how messed it up it is how the witnesses twisted things in my mind so i totally got mind-warped....what am i talking about, you ask?
well, whenever someone has a quote on here from watchtower literature from years past (like from the 1970s or 1960s etc) proving that witnesses have taught/do teach this or that in the past, i automatically discredit that quote necause how i was taught as a witness was that whole new light thing-meaning...... "oh, well, things have changed-our teachings have changed, we no longer believe or teach this, this, and that anymore,"- i'm so brainwashed that when i read old quotes on here where people prove to say that witnesses taught this or that, it's like i kind of go "oh well that quote doesnt' matter," but in reality.......... jws should take responsibility for everything they've taught!!!
and not just keep saying, "well, that was then-this is now.. ...i mean, from an outsider's view point, they would say "oh, so witnesses teach this?
White Dove
I never read in the Bible anything about old light, either. The light gets brighter, not off or new or old or dimmer...
This is how messed up it was...
by themonster123 ini've just been thinking about jwd and how messed it up it is how the witnesses twisted things in my mind so i totally got mind-warped....what am i talking about, you ask?
well, whenever someone has a quote on here from watchtower literature from years past (like from the 1970s or 1960s etc) proving that witnesses have taught/do teach this or that in the past, i automatically discredit that quote necause how i was taught as a witness was that whole new light thing-meaning...... "oh, well, things have changed-our teachings have changed, we no longer believe or teach this, this, and that anymore,"- i'm so brainwashed that when i read old quotes on here where people prove to say that witnesses taught this or that, it's like i kind of go "oh well that quote doesnt' matter," but in reality.......... jws should take responsibility for everything they've taught!!!
and not just keep saying, "well, that was then-this is now.. ...i mean, from an outsider's view point, they would say "oh, so witnesses teach this?
White Dove
I thought the Bible said the light gets brighter. I never saw anything about new light in the Bible only brighter light.
When you were in field service....
by lavendar indid you ever have anyone, at the door, say something to you that created a seed of doubt in your mind about the wts?
something at all that started you thinking "maybe i'm really not in the truth".
i would be interested in hearing about that.. thanks,.
White Dove
Yes, that is one that got me to thinking a little. I thought how clever to say that we were just encouraging Bible reading when we had complete conversion on our minds. The elder giving the talk on that on the school mentioned to say that and reassure them we were not trying to convert them. Then he laughed while saying on the side that of course we were trying to convert them, ha ha ha. I liked sneakiness in some ways, so this appealed to me. I have learned since then that it is not a good idea and sounds like fraud.
When you were in field service....
by lavendar indid you ever have anyone, at the door, say something to you that created a seed of doubt in your mind about the wts?
something at all that started you thinking "maybe i'm really not in the truth".
i would be interested in hearing about that.. thanks,.
White Dove
On the way out,
That is absolutely beautiful! That shook me, too. It is right! Life shouldn't be one big test. JW's always say that God created us to enjoy life. So, let's all just get a bong and enjoy it! No more guilty pleasures, just healthy pleasures. God created weed. Man created beer. Any questions?
When you were in field service....
by lavendar indid you ever have anyone, at the door, say something to you that created a seed of doubt in your mind about the wts?
something at all that started you thinking "maybe i'm really not in the truth".
i would be interested in hearing about that.. thanks,.
White Dove
"You people don't believe in giving to charity." "Our church has programs to help the poor and disadvantaged." At the time, I viewed these like any JW would: Yes, but we give life saving help to people. It was on my mind from then on, though, and I always wondered about why the Witlesses never gave when they could take from charity. I really viewed that as a double standard that was not quite right. Something was not quite right. Those things kept adding up.
Email from my niece
by Mystery ini cry everytime i read this and i thought you might enjoy .
reading it.
if you already have it just delete it.. love you!.
White Dove
I totally agree. Shepherding didn't happen around here, either. In a casual announcement from the CO, he said that if you didn't get a shepherding visit, you didn't need one. Who do they think they are? Many in the congregation came to him and the PO to let them know a visit would be appreciated, then this announcement. "They truly care for the flock."
Crazy things you were "forced" to do in the Borg
by RR inwere you ever told to do things that had no bearing on the scriptures or even policies of the watchtower?.
we had one co who upon inspection insisted that the body of elders and servants be cleaven shaven, cut their hair and remove their sideburns.. i use to have a patch of hair under my bottom lip.
the co pointing to it asked, "what's that?
White Dove
The PO(op) took away my son's study because I was the one responsible for studying with him. I'm deaf and a womyn. He needed a hearing person and a man to study with and relate to. He needed regular guy talk. My son was 13. , what an age to get the finger from the leadership. He quit in his heart immediately after that by getting up a lot during the meetings for the bathroom and going outside to walk around in the parking lot. He got away with it by saying, "Mom, I gotta FART BAD!" , I let him go!
Crazy things you were "forced" to do in the Borg
by RR inwere you ever told to do things that had no bearing on the scriptures or even policies of the watchtower?.
we had one co who upon inspection insisted that the body of elders and servants be cleaven shaven, cut their hair and remove their sideburns.. i use to have a patch of hair under my bottom lip.
the co pointing to it asked, "what's that?
White Dove
They had everyone wear WHITE bathing suits for baptism?????!!!!!!!!! One sister went swimming in a white swimsuit in a pool at a hotel. We could see her hair, crack, and pink/red nipply boobs! Someone discreetly told her and she jumped out covering herself with her hands the best she could. Poor thing! And, she was very fat, so add dimples' shadows through the wet white suit! I think some elder must be a pervert. He must like white tee-shirt contests, because that is what the baptism would turn out to be, and on GUYS????? YUCK
Crazy things you were "forced" to do in the Borg
by RR inwere you ever told to do things that had no bearing on the scriptures or even policies of the watchtower?.
we had one co who upon inspection insisted that the body of elders and servants be cleaven shaven, cut their hair and remove their sideburns.. i use to have a patch of hair under my bottom lip.
the co pointing to it asked, "what's that?
White Dove
I heard of one PO who required all the brothers to wear white shirts only when giving a part on the program.
Another PO and CO banned sisters from wearing long dresses as it was seen as showing off.
One group of congregations refused to take non-publisher JW children out in service because only their parents were allowed to take them out. If the parents couldn't, others in the congregation were not allowed to take them. They simply couldn't go at all, and these children were BORN in the borg! That is what tipped me off to their Pharisee mentality.
An elder with a moustache was harrassed to shave it off for years but never did. Bollo or string ties were banned in some congregations in the northwest as were cowboy hats and Stetsons.
Ties were mandatory for ALL boys of ALL ages (0-18) even if they didn't have a part, no excuses.
This is making me sick all over again